The ideal machine concept

At Eagle Lasers, we believe in optimizing productivity through effective innovation. We knew that fiber laser technology would be an industry game-changer, so we invested in it, aiming all our research and development to create the ideal fiber laser machine. Our key strength is that we did not need to adapt any existing systems to fiber. Instead, we created an entirely new concept right from the start.

What is the Ideal Machine Fiber Laser Cutting Machine?

The ideal laser machine is powerful, fast, and reliable. This means it can produce more in less time, with less maintenance and less energy consumption. Our "Ideal Machine Concept" results from years of research and the implementation and trial of ground-breaking solutions. Eagle laser cutting machines are designed to meet the highest customer expectations. A composite machine body structure, carbon fiber traverse, linear motors on all axes, the eVa cutting head, the highest power sources in the market, and a super-fast pallet exchange all result in a top-performing, dynamic machine that reduces downtimes to an absolute minimum.

Innovation starts from intuition

At Eagle, we reinvented technology through constant research and innovation, which led us to create a better work environment with intelligent, ergonomic design. We select only the highest quality materials for all our components which then work interconnectedly to ensure the best performance.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest efficiency, a faster turnaround, lower cost per part, and maximum flexibility in processes, materials, and thicknesses. All this through state-of-the-art machines, ready to operate at full accuracy 24/7.

We made our vision a reality.

Body construction for reliability

Linear motors on all axes for speed

Carbon fiber traverse for accuracy

Encoders for rapidity

Pallet changer for dynamics

eVa cutting head for precision

Learn more about our machine components in brochure

Download the full brochure

Fiber Laser Pioneers

Eagle Lasers was the first laser manufacturer to launch efficient and award-winning 6kW, 8kW, 10kW, 12kW, 20kW machines, and now the 30kW Fiber Laser Cutting System. But it doesn't stop here. We are currently researching laser systems to double the power without sacrificing quality and precision. At Eagle, we plan to remain at the forefront of innovation. Here, exciting new releases are always in the making.

Productivity Through Technology

We are devoted to developing the most productive machine with the fastest laser, highest acceleration, and fully automated material handling.

The Eagle iNspire 1530 F30.0 is the fastest fiber laser cutting system on the market today, featuring a controlled 30kW power source, up to 6G acceleration, the latest version of the Eagle eVa cutting head capable of outstanding performances on focus length and precision, a superlight, and stable carbon fiber traverse, and an unmatched 9-second pallet changer.

These advantages significantly enhance productivity while reducing energy consumption and maintenance. An intelligent, energy-efficient solution built to increase your profits and lower your overall operational costs.

30kW: Discover the highest power

Reliability Through Refinement

Although we push the limits regarding power and speed, we never compromise reliability.

At Eagle, we adhere to the highest standards. We develop several of our own components and only collaborate with the best suppliers – such as Beckhoff, IPG photonics, Renishaw, and Festo pneumatic technology, to name a few - for unbeatable full-system reliability. As a result, our machines are capable of 24/7 production maintaining full quality and accuracy throughout their entire life cycle.

Your peace of mind is our priority

We are committed to providing you with comprehensive support and warranty plans, fast installation, personnel training, on-site and online technical support, and remote assistance to ensure that you realize the full potential of your Eagle fiber laser cutter.

We deliver a full warranty for unlimited working hours for all machine components, including laser source, cutting head with optics, and optical fiber. Our spare parts warehouse is always well-stocked and ready for quick delivery, so your production can run at peak performance with the least interruptions. You focus on making your business grow. We take care of the rest.
