Eagle Lasers’ Metal Tour 2023 in Barcelona.

As a part of the "INSPIRE THE WORLD Metal Tour 2023", Eagle Lasers 30kW iNspire laser cutter has arrived in Barcelona, Spain.
The Open Days taking place from April 17th to April 21st will be hosted by Eagle’s official representatives in Spain. SUPRAFORM is a company that has been operating in the metalworking market for 25 years, providing its customers with sheet metal processing machines, tools, and consumables, among many other solutions.
This second chapter of the Metal Tour 2023 creates a unique opportunity for visitors to witness the top of the gamma 30kW iNspire fiber laser cutter with 6G acceleration and the latest Eagle technology.
For more information about the Spanish chapter of the “INSPIRE THE WORLD Metal Tour 2023" please visit: es.eaglelasers.com.