When we started in 2006, we already knew where we were aiming: unmatched efficiency that would translate into higher profits for our customers. Power-wise, Eagle has always been a pioneer. But our quest for power is not gratuitous; it's directly linked to our goal of increasing profits.
The ideal laser machine is powerful, fast, and reliable. This means it can produce more in less time, with less maintenance and less energy consumption. However, it becomes impossible to speak about high powers without mentioning motion dynamics. An ultra-powerful machine can reach its full cutting capacity only when paired with peak-level acceleration. Eagle's up to 6G acceleration rises to the challenge by delivering a maximum positioning speed of 340 m/min and a cutting rate of up to 150 m/min, maintaining complete accuracy.
Increasing the laser power increases cutting speed in an almost linear way. This leads to larger production volumes cut in less time and tremendously impacts productivity and efficiency.
On the one hand, by cutting faster and more precisely, downtime is drastically reduced. On this subject, automation systems allow the line-up cutting programs to keep the machine up and running during night shifts or weekends to boost productivity further.
On the other hand, by cutting more parts in shorter work cycles, the machine makes more efficient use of energy and all consumables resulting in reduced operational expenses and a lower cost per part.
High power, motion dynamics, and swift material handling invariably results in higher productivity and cost-effectiveness, which, in simple terms, means higher profits.
We have designed a practical scenario to explain more clearly the impact of power on the volume of cut parts, the cutting speed, and the cost and profit per part.
In this example, the same 15mm mild steel part has been cut with different powers, from 4kW up to 40kW to show how an increase in power drastically increases productivity and profit.